Russia and China: from projects to results

  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


At the 10th Forum in Changchun (China), the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Far East and Siberia of Russia and the North-Eastern Regions of China (AVRIK) was established. AVRIK, being the vanguard of interuniversity cooperation, unites 19 Russian and 45 Chinese universities.

In May 2017, the International Scientific Forum of undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Far East and Siberia of Russia and the North-Eastern regions of the People's Republic of China "Russia and China: from Projects to Results" was held at VSUES. The forum was held in fundamentally new conditions: if earlier the development of partnership was carried out in the traditional, "adult" format, now its increasingly important role is played by its youth "dimension". This is a logical answer to the challenges of the time. In the modern world, the borders between countries are most quickly erased in the scientific and educational spheres.